Monday, 15 May 2017

Kingdom Kid Awards

It's great to start the term celebrating our school values and the people who help us see them in action! Here are the May Kingdom Kid awards:

We are all very proud of you!
D1 - Eva shows our class what the value of Diligence looks like EVERY day! She starts her work quickly and doesn't give up until she is finished. As it says in Colossians 3:23, she works at tasks 'with all her heart'. She helps and encourages others to do the same.Keep shining brightly, Eva!

D2 - Amelia always listens carefully and works diligently to complete her work to the best of her ability. She is kind and polite and an excellent role model in our class.

D3 - Hunter is a diligent and attentive class member. He engages fully in all learning opportunities and produces excellent work. He is  kind and considerate friend and a great example of a Kingdom Kid.

F1 - Sulurina has started her time at Cornerstone full of energy and a desire to learn. She starts every day with a friendly "Hello" and continues to be kind and caring throughout the day. She completes all her work to a high standard and shows real pride in her work.


  1. Good job Sulurina i am proud. From Tapaita

  2. great job sulurina for earning a kidom kid award from Jada

  3. good job by zane

  4. good job Eva by zane
