We have presented our team awards for June. Once again, it is a real pleasure to 'notice' children showing our school values and to encourage them to keep shining so that others can follow their example. Here are our bright stars this month:
Congratulations to Sam, Jason, William and Matthew! |
Here is what the awards say:
D1 - Jason has been working hard to do the best he can in his learning and he has also made a great effort this year to be a good friend to others. He has been diligent in both these areas and can be proud of his success. Keep being an awesome Kingdom Kid, Jason!
D2 - Sam works diligently to complete his work to the best of his ability every time. He is friendly and cheerful and is always keen to share his learning with others.
D3 - William brings a positive, cheerful attitude to school each day. He is a diligent worker, kind friend, enthusiastic learner and true example of someone who perseveres to reach their full potential. William certainly is a great example of a Kingdom Kid.
F1 - Matthew works diligently every day to make right choices. He completes all of his work to a high standard and supports others when they are unsure of what to do. Matthew is also a very respectful student who shows this respect both inside and outside the classroom.