Saturday, 8 April 2017

Kingdom Kid Awards

We really are blessed by the children in our classes! Here are the latest Kingdom Kids to celebrate about:

Well done to Jheneraeshyn, Leo, Finn and Gracie!
Their awards say:

D1 - Finn makes great choices in class and in the playground, whether grown-ups are watching or not! This is what our school value of Integrity is all about. People have been noticing, Finn, and we all want to congratulate you for being the awesome Kingdom Kid you are!

D2 - Leo shows integrity in our classroom. He is always in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing - even when no one is watching. He listens carefully and works hard to complete his work to the best of his ability every time. Leo is an excellent role model to those around him.

D3 - Gracie is a thoughtful, helpful and positive member of the class. She loves to learn and diligently completes all class tasks. Her genuine desire to do her best for God shines brightly in all she does.

F1 - Jheneraeshyn has brought many amazing qualities to Cornerstone. She is kind, caring, compassionate, hard-working and respectful. She always looks for ways she can help and is a blessing in F1.

A Visit from the Fire Brigade

On Friday we had an awesome visit from one of Palmerston North's fire crews. Gary and Belinda gave a talk first about fire safety and checked what we all remembered from the Firewise programme we did in year 1 and 2. We still knew a lot - Gary and Belinda were impressed!

Gary (the boss) and Belinda (she said she was the newest member of the crew)
Then we went outside to look at the truck and the special equipment:

Fire trucks are so cool...

Belinda showed us the gear that they use - hoses, axes, ladders and more!
There are so many pieces of special equipment hidden in that truck!

That's Zane dressed in Belinda's special fire fighting clothes.
They are quite heavy and very warm to wear but they keep you safe and that is SO important! 

Tim and Harold

We have been enjoying visiting the Life Ed truck over the last week. Tim is the teacher and Healthy Harold is a giraffe who helps him! We have been learning about our bodies, our feelings and what it means to be a good friend. Tim and Harold always make us laugh a lot...but Tim told us that a happy brain will actually learn better than a sad one!
Here are some photos of Tim and Harold at assembly on Friday:

Tim and Harold had a lightsaber battle while the Star Wars music played...

Does Harold know where his brain belongs?
Not on his knee, not on his bottom... (I think he was tricking Tim!)
Yes - in his head!

Oh no! Tim got hurt in the playground! What will Harold do?
He will be a kind friend and help him!

Maths Superheroes...

It was great to celebrate some hard workers in maths at assembly on Friday. Gold and silver certificates were given out to the children who had earned them - it takes a lot of work to achieve these awards! Well done to all the children for their efforts!

Great work Alastair, Huntar (who has 2 silver certificates!) and Jason!