Monday, 13 March 2017

Kingdom Kids

How exciting to give out our first Kingdom Kid awards at assembly last week! Dr Ferrar came to present them. Here are the people showing us great ways to follow God:

Well done Annabella, Shanti, Tayla and London!
Their awards say:

D1 - London has made a fabulous start to the year. She is very clever and always knows what to do, but she doesn’t show off about it. This is what our school value, Humility Before God, is all about. Thanks for giving us a great example of how to be a Kingdom Kid, London!

D2 - Annabelle displays a positive attitude towards all aspects of her learning. She listens carefully and always puts her best effort into classroom activities. Annabelle is reliable and trustworthy and is eager to help others.

D3 - Shanti is someone who loves to learn and works diligently to complete all class tasks.  She presents her work to a high standard and is a wonderful example to her peers.  A deserving recipient of our first kingdom kid award for D3.

F1 - Tayla always works hard to make the right choice. She pays careful attention to instructions and is quick to follow them out. She shows respect to the teacher and the rest of the class every day.

Friday, 3 March 2017

D1's Shooting Stars!

In our room we have a special place where we show great examples of work. We call it our Shooting Stars Wall.

Eva was the first person to have her work put on the wall. She was showing us what good writers do:

Way to go, Eva! 
We can all learn from her great example. Check it out next time you visit us in D1!

The Story of Amos - Part 2

God told the Israelites that he was going to 'measure' how good they really were. He talked about using a plumb line like builders do to see if everything is straight and true. Sometimes things look good...but are they really?

We tried to draw some straight lines on the whiteboard then we held a plumb line beside them to measure if they were really straight.

Fono did a great job of drawing a straight line - look at how close
her line is to the plumb line!
The lines we thought were straight were not really straight at all! God wants us to live His way - not just doing 'good' things but doing 'God' things! He will measure us by His rules.

The Story of Amos - Part 1

D1 has been learning about Amos from the Bible. We had a treasure hunt around the room for some clues about Amos and found these...

These 2 pictures show us the jobs that Amos had - he was a shepherd and he grew figs!

These scrolls had messages inside...

Amos was a messenger for God - a prophet. The 3 scrolls showed us the message God sent to the Israelites:

WARNING - Prepare to meet your God!

CHOICE - Are you going to choose to do good or evil?

PROMISE - If you choose to do good, God will come and be with you always.

What would you do if God sent this message to you?